Mission Aveda Salon & Spa

How to do hair highlights on short hair?


Almost all we are always on the lookout for that extra something to our eternal appearance. Luckily for all of us, hair highlights are here. Hair color highlights offers you a totally new, and most significantly, younger appearance.


If you have just had your hair permanently waved or straightened, you might have to put off highlighting until the cuticle of your hair has settled down. The chemicals in a permanent wave work by breaking the hair’s cuticle and then resetting it in the shape of the rod. The result is that your hair is more movable and therefore more easily damaged after a perm. Contact your professional stylist to know your hair’s condition.

Hair highlighting on short hair

So you just had a fresh new short haircut and want to show your style with some highlights. Or perhaps you want to refresh your shot hair style with the soft look. Well, here are some steps you should go after.

1. First look through some fashion magazines and find pictures of highlighted hair styles that you like the most. Not all hair highlights are same, so keep your eyes open.

2. Purchase a home hair highlighting kit which is suitable for your hair. Those with short hair will do best with a hair highlighting kit that includes a cap and hook, while those with long hair should pick up a kit that contains a special application brush that lets you "paint" on the highlights.

3. Prefer a hair highlighting color that will give you the results you're looking for. For a slight effect try buying a color only 2 to 3 shades lighter than your natural color. For a bolder look seek a light blonde or bold red as your highlight of choice.

4. Apply highlights on totally dry hair. If possible, try to highlight your hair on a day that you haven't washed it. The natural oils of your hair will help out protect your strands during the coloring process.

5. Brush your hair thoroughly to remove all tangles. If you have long hair make sure you brush your hair into the style you normally wear. This will ensure you place your highlights right where they’ll make the most impact.

6. Open the kit and read the instructions from the beginning to the end before beginning. Make sure you read any cautions or recommendations as well.

7. Clutch the hook integrated in the kit as you would a pencil. Starting as close to your front hairline possible, cautiously puncture the selected holes of the cap with the hook. For the best results have the hook come in at a slight angle.

8. If you desire thin hair highlights that will improve your color but usually blend in, just pull out thin sections of hair from the punctured hole. For thicker and bolder highlights pull larger sections out by going deeper into your hair.

9. Carry on to carefully pulling out the preferred amount of strands until you satisfied. You may want to pull out sections only in the front for a subtle lift around the face or all over for a lighter effect throughout.

10. Once all the hair is pulled out the cap put on your protective gloves and mixes the coloring agents as directed. Be sure to shake the bottle well before applying to the hair.

11. Set timer for the chosen processing time, according to the kit's directions and place a plastic loosely over highlights to keep the heat of your scalp intact. This heat will help the color process faster.

12. Once the time is up, make use of a towel to smoothly get rid of the color from one or two of the strands. Grab a section of the towel in both hands and place the hair between your hands. Rub back and forth in a lightly scrubbing motion until the strands are mostly free of color. Check to see that the color is close to what you wanted. Keep in mind, your hair is still moist from the color so it will dry slightly lighter than it shows now.

13. Once the color is completed remove the cap and wash your hair thoroughly. If possible, keep away from shampooing your hair to get rid of the color as the cuticle, or outer layer, of the hair is still slightly open. Washing might too soon remove or fade your new hair highlights. As an alternative rinse very well and apply a conditioner to seal the cuticle and moisturize the hair shaft.


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